So we managed to fight the Gov against passing SOPA and Pipa, but did you know that last Friday, behind closed doors they passed CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act)? This act eliminates any previous Internet privacy laws (giving us privacy rights) and allows companies spying privileges.
And yes, there are two sides to this bill. As you can imagine, FB is all for this law!
The EFF (works for civilian rights) has pointed out that Obama's advisers suggest he Vetoes this bill if it makes it that far (does not say he will, it is advised).
If you want to know more, here is the EFF web site and info on this Act.
And yes, there are two sides to this bill. As you can imagine, FB is all for this law!
The EFF (works for civilian rights) has pointed out that Obama's advisers suggest he Vetoes this bill if it makes it that far (does not say he will, it is advised).
If you want to know more, here is the EFF web site and info on this Act.
Don’t Let Congress Use "Cybersecurity" Fears to Trample on Civil Liberties
Update: The U.S. House of Representatives has passed CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act), so the fight is moving to the Senate. Congress is now going to attempt to pass legislation on the Senate side and then conference it with the House bill. We can't let that happen.
Tell Congress not to compromise the civil liberties of Internet users. Use our form to contact your representatives today.
Congress is considering legislation that would create backdoor wiretaps into our daily communications. These “cybersecurity” bills would give companies a free pass to monitor and collect communications, including huge amounts of personal data like your text messages and emails. Companies could ship that data wholesale to the government or anyone else provided they claim it was for "cybersecurity purposes." Tell Congress that they can’t use vaguely defined "cybersecurity threats" as a shortcut to shredding the Constitution.
Under Rep. Mike Rogers’ Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA), and Sen. John McCain’s SECURE IT Act, there are almost no restrictions on what information can be spied upon and how it can be used. That means a company like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or AT&T could intercept your emails and text messages, send copies to one another and to the government, and modify those communications or prevent them from reaching their destination if it fits into their plan to stop “cybersecurity” threats.
Congress wants to use the threat of "cybersecurity" to undermine our Constitutional rights. Tell your lawmakers that we won’t stand for dangerous, unsupervised information sharing under the guise of cybersecurity.