Thursday, April 28, 2011

Summing up PlayStations Outage

Let it be clear, I hold no grudge with PlayStation Network.
I realize that they have been victimized as much as any of us loyal PSN addicts.
I believe that they are doing what is necessary to protect their Servers and us Gamers.
Right now they are losing generated income from Network purchases and their Stocks have reflected this ordeal.

That being said,
Where I find fault is in the mystery of this PSN ordeal. 
Rather, their handling of this.
What I mean is that they were far from forthright about this breach.
Most of us guessed what was up by looked at time frames of releases, patches, tweets and transfer of Server Local. Some of that guessing was right, some wrong.

They still have "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE" as their identifier for their outage, even after it became apparent that there is nothing routine going on here.
There was more accurate/false information floating around the gaming community than needed to be. 
We just wanted Information!
Maybe this outpour of questioning is what urged the PSN to make their first couple of Blogs.

The fact, they could have stepped up (from day one, maybe day two, at least by day three) and announced the possible scenario they were faced with, and engaged us all from day to day.

After all we are Gamers, not like we aren't used to dealing with Villains and horrible bad Bosses.

However, the bottom line is money. The fear of leaking that they had been hacked, the fear that would make their stocks tumble, these are real fears. Facts are they did themselves more damage in the long run by the way they handled this information.

I for one sold my Stocks (but I'm not giving up my PS3 or my PS3 Games).

I'm just saying that the way we were treated with this information was weak.
Very weak.

Now let's get back to playing games, shall we?

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